Vaskbar papirkjølerbag

ECO friendly,Bio-degradable,Recycled---environment protection details on our 70th National Day Celebration Ceremony


October 1st 2019 ,the whole Chinese nation celebrated our great motherland's 70th birthday.Still astounded by the military parade and the powerful weapons all Made-in-China,every Chinese is so proud to be one member of this great nation who stands as one of the powerful countries now in 70 years after suffered and strived so much with blood,tear and sweat.

Besides every touching and inspiring moments,we are gratified to see the environment protection details on the ceremony too.Through this big event ,China shows the world our determination of protecting environment ,responding to the raise of ECO conciousness worldwide.


The 24000 square meters of red carpet were made by recycled polyester which consumed more than 4000000pcs of waste plastic bottles.


70000 pcs of ballons are all made from bio-degradable material.


The colorful smoke is non-toxic and food grade,and the 70 gun saltue are zero pollution.

Green Development is the main concept around the world now,and with the similar concept of minimalism,most exquisite detail,creativity,and eco-consciousness,we move our focus from regular paper packaging to ECO washable paper bag these two years.

Our washable paper bag looks and feels like leather but super light-weight.Made from 100% natural plant fiber,it's bio-degradable. Tougher than regular paper(it is sewn on,much stronger than glue on)and washable ,it can be used for multiple times.

It's ideal for customers with eco- or vegan-conciousness as well as for people who enjoy the creativity behind the process of making the material or those simply love the beautiful and unique look of it.

Feel free to send us inquiry if you find our bags meet your ECO needs.

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